We've all thought about when our last day on earth will be and what we would do.

Here are 10 things you should do if it was your last day on earth. Do you have time to fit them all in? Even if tomorrow might not be your last day, live each day as if it's your last, and consider doing these things.

1. Spend time with friends and family

Gather the people you love and soak in their hugs and kisses and cherish hearing their voices. Remind them what you love about them and tell them what you've been meaning to say.

10 Things You Should Do If It Was Your Last Day On Earth

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2. Say what you've been too scared to say

Are you afraid of telling your crush you love them because they might not love you back? Or you nervous to reach out to an old friend? If so, now's your chance to say it. If it turns out well, great (and maybe you should've done it sooner)! If not, it doesn't matter, today's your last day, and you won't remember it.

10 Things You Should Do If It Was Your Last Day On Earth

 3. Pet all the animals you can

Animals are adorable little critters, and it's their cuddles and enthusiasm and cuteness we're all going to miss. So, hug and kiss your pets goodbye. Then go around to petting zoos, zoos, pet shops or animal shelters and hug all the animals you possibly can. Not only will it brighten your day, but it'll also brighten theirs.

10 Things You Should Do If It Was Your Last Day On Earth

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4. Eat as much of your favourite food as you like

Now's the time to throw your diet out the window, and eat as much of your favourite junk food as you like. Eat all of the things that are 'bad' for you because you're not going to live to see the consequences tomorrow.

10 Things You Should Do If It Was Your Last Day On Earth

5. Register to become an organ and tissue donor

According to Donate Life, there are currently 1,400 Australians on the waitlist for a transplant. That's a lot of people! If you're not an organ or tissue donor yet, become one. When you're gone, you're not going to need your organs anymore. So, donate them to people who really need them and help them live long fulfilling lives.

10 Things You Should Do If It Was Your Last Day On Earth

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6. Help out a charity

Spend some time helping out a charity whose cause you support. Whether it's an hour or a few hours, they'll appreciate your time and you'll make a difference. Since it's your last day on earth, you won't need your money anymore, so donate it to various charities.

10 Things You Should Do If It Was Your Last Day On Earth

 7. Forgive and apologise

How many times have we read or seen people's last words to someone who's passed away being the wrong ones? They regret not apologising or forgiving. So, forgive the people who have wronged you and apologise, so you and those around you can all feel at ease.

10 Things You Should Do If It Was Your Last Day On Earth

 8. Do something exhilarating

Have you always wanted to do something thrilling like sky diving or bungee jumping but haven't done it yet because you're too scared of all the ways it could go wrong? Well, now's your chance. If something does go wrong, it doesn't matter because today's your last day on earth anyway.

10 Things You Should Do If It Was Your Last Day On Earth

 9. Do what you fear the most

It's time to face your biggest fear. Whether that be to hold a tarantula or fly in an aeroplane, face your fear head on and show it who's boss. You'll feel stronger afterward and like you can achieve anything. Or if it goes seriously wrong, it's your last day anyway.

10 Things You Should Do If It Was Your Last Day On Earth

 10. Go somewhere you've always wanted to go

Have you been meaning to go overseas to Europe? Or have you been meaning to go to that local tourist attraction just five minutes down the road? Now's the time to finally do it. Take a random flight and hope that where you end up the time zone is behind, and you might just get to live your last day again.

10 Things You Should Do If It Was Your Last Day On Earth

What would you do if it was your last day on earth? Anything or everything on this list? Or things I haven't included? Even if today isn't your last day on earth, these are still important things to think about, just in case it is soon.

Featured Image Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/THC13xRi_q0